How to Use an Acupressure Mat for Weight Loss | Acupressure Mat Benefits

how to use acupressure mat for weight loss
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Hello guys. How is your time going? Having extra weight is always becoming a curse for us and certainly, it will reduce our working capacity. You cannot work smoothly having excessive weight and it will cause a series of effects on your work and daily life. This is an alarming issue and in this article, we will try to solve it differently. Let’s discuss “How to use an acupressure mat for weight loss?”

What is an acupressure mat?

acupressure mat for weight loss
Acupressure Mat

We know that acupressure is an alternative medically proven technique that is used mixed with acupuncture or reflexology. Here physical pressure is applied for trigger points. 

An acupressure mat can be described as a needle stimulation pad. This device is covered with hundreds of plastic nubs and they are one of the vital components for the patients. Eventually, these tiny bulges will deliver a good amount of pressure on our bodies. Its stimulating pressure will allow the energy lines of our body to flow freely. Let me give you a short idea about the real-life impact of an acupressure mat. 

  • Back pain 
  • Excessive neck pain 
  • It will help us to relieve work pressure
  • Sometimes acupressure mat will relieve pain for some other body parts. 
  • The most attractive feature of an acupressure mat is it can relieve tension and anxiety. 
  • An acupressure mat is very good for insomnia

Several Advantages of acupressure mat that will certainly help us to reduce weight 

As we have discussed earlier that acupressure mat will help us to relieve excessive pain and it can be a great source of relaxation for patients who are depressed. Now let me discuss with you some facts that will help us to get rid of heavyweight. 

Sound sleep

Some of our friends have emailed me regarding the reason that they are in a trouble. They do not sleep well and it is causing a series of impacts in their daily life which is almost intolerable. It is one of the main reasons for gaining weight and after a long time it goes abnormal this person has acquired a plethora of weight. Acupressure mat will relieve anxiety and after using this product you will notice the change. An abnormal sleeping routine is one of the main reasons for mismatch in both personal and professional life. If you use an acupressure mat that will certainly help you to change your sleeping routine and in the long run it will help you to be fit.

Increased energy

If someone is having a hard time in work out and is stressed in his working life. By using an acupressure mat you will get relief. Certainly, this product is a good example of relaxation. In this regard, we are suggesting you use a smart quality product like an Aku mat, Nayoya Acupressure mat, etc. Relaxation is a necessary topic when we are doing too much exercise and trying to reduce our weight. We need to keep ourselves cool. As a result, we can say that an Acupressure mat is working passively for reducing body weight.

It will increase kidney output

For reducing weight, normally we will go for a strict diet chart. After that, we like to continue this chart for a long time until we achieve the perfect transformation of our bodies. Now if we compare a weight loss diet with an acupressure mat it has some impact on the body. It will prevent fluid accumulation and weight gain.

An acupressure mat will help us to reduce anxiety

Anxiety is considered a very common enemy for our body to be fit. It kills us slowly and day by day we become physically and mentally unfit. From scientific research, we have seen that those people who are suffering from anxiety have the habit of taking more and more food. Are you surprised to hear this news? Yeah! It is true. When people are highly depressed about their personal life there is a high chance that they might eat more food than the previous time as they have nothing to do with life. By using an acupressure mat slowly you can reduce anxiety and I firmly believe that passively it will help us to reduce weight. It could be a very good option for us.

Acupressure mat will improve digestive function in the body

Chinese medicine has described that the stomach and spleen are the basic organs that are responsible for generating energy in the body. Now the interesting thing is stimulation can help them to do that perfectly. As a result, an acupressure mat can be a necessary item. Digestion is related to good health.

Commitment to your work

An acupressure mat is helpful for the relaxation of our body and it will certainly improve the concentration of our work. In this way, it can passively help us to reduce some weight.

Blood irrigation

Yes, an acupressure mat will help us to circulate blood in the body. Its stimulation with the mat is helping them perfectly. In this way, we can be healthy and fit.

How frequently we should use an acupressure mat for weight loss?

This is a very common question that everybody asks how they should use it. Yes, it requires proper guidelines. Basically, in the beginning, you can use an acupressure mat regularly and I do not think it will bother you. If you are a working person or student then you might use this product at night especially when you are in the bed. You can use it on the neck or in the arms. When we are working at our home or office it is possible to use this product like we can place it under the feet and it could be a good source of relaxation.

If you are too much busy with your daily life schedule then use it twice or thrice a week. I believe that could be enough for your relaxation and exercise. Another important question that might come to your mind that how much time should I spend doing it? I believe it could be 30-40 minutes on average. You can do more than that but we prefer not to use it not more than 1 hour. You need to go slowly and listen to your body. The practice session also depends on your breath. If you are practicing for the first time then you might do it for at least 5-10 minutes and test your body whether is comfortable or not. If you think that you are okay with it then go for a long practice. I think you got a clear idea regarding how to use an acupressure mat for weight loss.

How do you choose your acupressure mat?

This is a very common question among new users how they should select their perfect acupressure mat for exercise? Now let me give you a clear idea regarding this topic. Firstly, you should notice whether is it travel friendly or not. You should not choose any acupressure mat which is hard to move from your home to your office.

As we need to use it regularly it must have to be travel-friendly so that we can use it at our home, office, or when we are on a vacation. The next important thing is the size. It should cover the size where you would love to use this product. For an instance, you can use it on your neck or under your feet. Size is an important issue here. Now the last but not the least option. Is it comfortable enough to use? Before buying it is tough to say that is it good or bad. In this regard, we are suggesting you check the user comments or ratings regarding this product and try to learn their feelings. I believe it will be a smart option to choose the perfect product.

Who should avoid the acupressure mat? | Tips and Guidelines

While using this product we need to take some precautions. It is necessary for our safety. There are quite a few groups who should avoid using this product for a limited time. Let’s have a look!

  • Pregnant women should not use this product. Not at all. You can use them after you become fit or a few months later of your delivery.
  • If you are accidentally wounded in some parts of your body then you should avoid it for some time. It might be risky.
  • Especially if you have any heart disease or some serious problem in your heart you should leave it.

Final few words | How to use an acupressure mat for weight loss?

Eventually, we can say that an acupressure mat can help us in different ways for reducing weight in our bodies. Besides that, we need to continue a healthy diet chart and regular exercise. If we follow all those techniques then it will be helpful for us to lead a healthy life. We just need to avoid eating a plethora of junk food as it is bad for our health. Have a safe and healthy life! Good luck!

About Author

Dr. Robert Martin is a famous weight loss expert and author of the best-selling book “Transform Your Belly Fat Loss and The Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Weight Loss. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, He specializes in weight loss, diet and meal plan tips. Dr. Robert Martin is currently the author of Lose My Belly through which he has helping thousands of patients achieve their weight loss goals and evidence-based strategies.